Created in 1993 by the Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians, whose lands are on the northern border of Arizona, and the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah. The Consortium exists specifically to optimize these tribes’ participation in GCDAMP.
Western Area Power Administration (USDOE)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Upper Colorado River Commission
Utah Division of Water Resources
Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems
A federally recognized tribe whose traditional territory is in southeastern Utah and north central Arizona, an area in what is now designated the Navajo Reservation.
A sovereign nation whose lands are located in northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico, along the Zuni River.
National Park Service
National Parks Conservation Association
New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission
A sovereign nation located in northeastern Arizona, southeastern Utah, and northwestern New Mexico. Its reservation is the largest in the United States, and the Colorado River forms part of its western border.
Non-profit organization dedicated to the betterment of the sport of fly fishing through conservation, restoration and education.
A sovereign nation located in northwestern Arizona. A 108-mile stretch of the Grand Canyon and Colorado River marks the nation’s northern border.
A sovereign nation located in northeastern Arizona. One of its twelve villages, Oraibi, is considered the oldest continuously inhabited community in the United States.
Grand Canyon River Guides
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (NPS)
Grand Canyon National Park (NPS)
Colorado Water Conservation Board (State of CO)
Colorado River Energy Distributors Association
Colorado River Commission of Nevada
Colorado River Board of California (State of CA)
Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Arizona Game & Fish Department
A southwestern U.S. state.
Arizona Department of Water Resources